Sunday, November 19, 2006

ITS an HONOR....

Hey....... i get a chance to share my ideas and view point on the INTERNET (arguably the brightest idea concieved by the human race in modren era). Thanks to firstly the Internet itself and then to my dear firend DG for inviting me to be a part of this cult (and save me the pain of creating a blog myself). Thats what true friends are for. Secondly its a pleasure to see my name with the likes of DG and SUNNY (Two geniuses who continue to be a source of inspiration for me). Well this post being introductory let me first clear any deceptions that might result due to the names that you come across on this blog.

For starters: myself "ARROWS" a name i acquired moreso because people at my college found it awfully painful to call out AAROHAN everytime they needed me (which they very often did); and not because of any quality that i exhibit.... infact if you take arrows to be synonymous with speed, that name could be a perfect antithesis to my characteristics. The name of the creator of this blog took me by shock when i heard it first; for i have known him for the better part of our lives and people fondly called him Deepak/Gudda but never had anyone thought of calling him DG. Another example is our very own "Sunny" rings some bells, well if you think this guy is gonna add sunlight to your life...... you are in for some big surprises, he can light up your life to such an extent that before you can even realise you are blinded.

Well thats it for now, hope to keep my presense being felt more often than not. In for some gooooooood time with my school buddies doing something together..... last time I did this was in FE when we set out on a mission to create our first robot (with nominal inputs from me).

On a mission to spread good will,
call me aarohan.

P.S.- This couldn't have ended without the mention of our friend Junior aka JUNAID who is very busy for most of the time and a little busy for the rest.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice to see u and sunny thght of having a space for US, no matter if ppl read this or not, ut lets share our tghts here.....keep writing on anythng that comes to ur mind.....anyways have fun