I have always existed with an illusion that beyond the horizon there is a world far superior and evenhanded than the world I currently live in. The world, which does not work on magnets of control bred from fellowmen. Men do not believe in power of miracles but hold high regards for value of labor. Men with immense passion to achieve what they dream. The world of my imagination where men are rewarded only for what they deserve. The inhabitants, who are blessed enough so that they don’t have to depend on an Abstract Extra-ordinary Super Power to live through their lives. A world where emotions are not like shackles that bind men. Instead they stir up motive power to go a step further. Men, who cheat or kill, perish at once. The others that survive the heat of healthy competition live their way with an honesty of purpose. Not very sure whether it is same as Atlantis or is it different?
It an epitomized by talking about all the insignificant countless small creatures that are trying their very best to confine our feet to a second-rate way of life. And to add to the agony, leaving all of us to a life obsessed with slow decay, signifying end in the most brutal mode.
But very soon, a passion drives a ray of hope in the blood stream of brave men who fear none but loss. And it’s this towering hope that keeps the will going, to achieve what currently appears to be behind the walls of a narrow minded world. It is this hope that shall dwell in men of character. Men that deserve to live in the world of my imagination. For now it may appear like a tough ask, but I have HIGH HOPES.
Cant really tell you if its the same as Atlantis, but i can commend you on this one entry. They say that the one emotion that always comes across in written text is sincerity and honesty of thought and purpose. This fits the bill to a T. But till you find that world, past the horizon, i guess you ll have to make do with the one around you. Never short sell your hopes sunny, cause sometimes they are the only lights we have in a dark tunnel which takes eons to go through. Loads of luck for all the trials and triumphs ahead!!
hey sunny...i wonder how i ddnt comment on this one??? anyways better late than never....i am sure this beats ur other post...valuable waste of time...just the right words to all that i was trying to write for so long i guesss.....high hopes remains one song which u can really feel getting absorbed in u when u hear it..believe me everytime i hear it....ur written words give it more meaning than ever....keep the words coming more frequently....
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